25f uneven pupils help!
So I went to the ER the other day because my right pupil dilated and was significantly larger than my left pupil. It was sensitive to light and my head would start hurting if I kept exposing that eye to light. My CT scan came back normal, so they told me to just go to an eye doctor. Two days later, my right pupil went back to normal.
I went to sterling optical after my eyes went back to normal(I prob should go somewhere else, I know) but the doctor there was also confused and said I look fine. She didn't know what could've caused it. I then went to my primary care physician, and he said the same. He doesn't know what caused it.
I'm going to make an appt with a neurologist so that I can have some peace of mind. I'd like to know if this is serious, and right now, the places I've been to aren't very reassuring. But, just in case the neurologist also says that they don't know what it could be, does anyone here on Reddit have an idea?
Some facts about me that may help:
I eat relatively healthy, work out on occasion
I just started using Nextstellis sept 28
I have 20/20 vision
No history of a stroke or brain aneurysm
My eye doctor asked if I have syphilis or any STDs, I don't have a history of any
I didn't hit my head
I didn't do any drugs
I have PCOS and Endometriosis
Please see below for a picture of my eyes
Let me know if any additional info might be helpful here! Thanks