Bamboozled again! Monson quote in Preach My Gospel
I started my mission in Spring 2004, the same year Preach My Gospel was released to the masses. There was a quote attributed to President Monson that goes along to the lines of "When performance is measured, performance improves, and when performance is measured and reported, the rate of performance accelerates"
I googled the phrase today, wanting to bring it up in a business meeting, and found it this phrase was first attributed to Karl Pearson, and English mathematician who died when Monson would have been about 8 or 9 years old.
I even used this quote, and attributed it to Monson, in a professional case study I did in 2013... probably why I didn't get the promotion I was hoping for, lol.
Its been a few years since I felt the MFMC pulled the wool over my eyes... but I'm getting all those feels again!