Mesa City Manager Quits 6mo before 20-year Retirement to Serve as Mission President

Chris Brady is the current City Manager of Mesa, AZ. Although it's a suburb of Phoenix, Mesa itself is the 37th largest city in the US and about the be the second largest city in Arizona. In Mesa, the City Manager is the most powerful job in the city - the mayor is a council member and more or less a figure head. Chris Brady is very well respected by the city's residents and employees. He announced a couple days ago that he is leaving to go be a Mission President. Mesa will definitely feel his loss.

The annoying part is, he's quitting only 6 months from reaching 20-years with the city. The pension system Mesa uses has substantial payout tier jumps at 10, 20 and 30 years. Basically, Brady is going to take home a significantly smaller pension than he would if he waited to retire later this year. I guess The Lord just can't wait.