Bishop ignoring Abraham/papyri connection?
I (18m) was called into my bishops office to set up my mission papers and do endowments. I keep telling him I don’t fit in with the church, and I don’t believe in it. I tend to be very respectful so maybe that’s why he’s still trying with me? I’ve met with him like 6 times now (so annoying ngl)
Anyways, I told him a big reason I’m not a Mormon was because of the Abraham/ papyri fact check. You guys know what I’m talking about. He replied to my concern saying that he has never heard of it. Crazy right?! He said he’d do some digging.
He stopped reaching out to me for a WHILE. Then I get a text saying he thinks he knows what I’m “dealing with” and that he has the solution.
Guys… 😑 his theory was that I was feeling guilt and shame for apparent sins that I was commiting. I’m a perfectly moral person, and I actually consider myself to be quite Christlike. There are no serious sins that I need to confess, even under LDS standards.
These people can’t acknowledge that MAYBE the reason people leave is because they do fact checking and realize it’s false.
My mom is the same way, she denies that I’m not a Mormon. She literally tells me all the time “you’ll come back I know it😉” (winky face and all.)
Like bruh. I’m sorry but Joseph smith aint it. Leo Tolstoy and Mother Nature are the cure to my melancholic religious problems. Also why can’t they just leave me alone and accept that I’m not leaving the church to “sin” or to ease my guilt. I’m simply leaving because I logically don’t believe in it.
Sorry for the rant. Single Ex-Mormons in UTAH county hmu please. (I’m joking)