Repent of your doubts? That’s it, I’m done

My husband and I are both PIMO and are trying to exit the church with the least amount of damage as possible. He’s in the bishopric and I was an early morning seminary teacher. Our shelves broke last winter, mine in December and his in February.

We’d planned on continuing to attend church until October since we knew the bishopric was getting released then (5 yrs up) and we’d walk out and never come back. We are both in our early 50’s with all of our kids out of the house.

It’s been incredible hard to put on a happy face and attend church but yesterday I finally lost my shit. A stake presidency member spoke in our sacrament meeting along with a high councilor. The wife of the stake presidency member decided to sit right next to me on my empty pew as he husband looks directly at me from the pulpit and says “I invite you all to repent of your doubts!”

My heart rate began to rise and I became enraged. I couldn’t wait to get out of that meeting. I drove myself home and an hour later, when my husband got home, I told him that talk was pointed and personal. I’m done. If this is the church’s approach to hemorrhaging membership then they will lose even more members.

Second Saturday here I come!