My attorney is drafting a letter…

My teenage (recently) POMO wrote a paper and within that, he detailed his life being raised as a JW. The things he could/couldn’t do, how it made him feel etc. As a parent, it was a little tough for me to read knowing I had some part in that, but I’m glad he has made the decision to leave and pursue college and a fulfilling life.

His PIMI mother (we’re divorced) asked to read it and he finally gave in and let her. She has accepted he’s left the truf, but once she read his paper, she called her parents and sister and told them about it the paper. Her sister is married to the COBE of the congregation that my son was going to. He proceeds to then call another elder that manages a fantasy football league that my was still a part of and tell him about what was written. This dick then texts my son saying he “got wind of” it and since it portrays the organization in a negative light, he is going to have to remove him from the league. Lemme tell ya, I got fired up. I sent that guy a text myself telling him what a BS move it was since it was close to the end of the season. Finish out the season and just don’t invite my son back next year, that would have been the kind and loving move. I mentioned how he didn’t even read the paper and was just going on 3rd hand info and hearsay. I even quoted Prov 20:19

As I sat on it for a day, I got more and more upset. These people think they can just talk about whoever they want in whatever manner they want. The JW’s have no concept of boundaries. On top of all that, my son’s MOTHER is the one that set all this in motion and betrayed his trust. I eventually called my attorney and she is going to send a cease and desist letter to everyone that this matter is not to be talked about anymore. I’m so sick of the gossip that goes on. Just leave us be and let us all move on with our lives.