My Mom Went Full Religious Overboard Today and I’m Just Done
So today my mom was running around the house “blessing it” from the fires (we live nowhere near them, by the way). She was acting like the house was in immediate danger, even though we’re far from the fires. She goes into every room, tossing oil everywhere and mumbling to herself. Then she storms into my room, slings oil on my walls like it’s some kind of holy water, and I’m just sitting there like, “What is happening right now?”
Then she turns around my chair without asking and asks me if I wanted to help. I denied, like, “No, I’m good.” But instead of just walking away, she dumps more oil on her hands, and without any warning, slaps her oily hands on my head. Then she starts praying that God would turn me into the man He wants me to be and that we’d no longer “get into agreements.” I had no clue what the hell she was talking about. We don’t argue that much, so I don’t know where that came from.
After all this, she just walks out like nothing happened, and I’m left there, more pissed off than anything because I was in the middle of eating and the oil smelled like hot ass. I’m not even exaggerating—like a mix of burnt rubber and something rotting. The smell was so overpowering that it killed my appetite completely, and I ended up just throwing my food away.
Honestly, I was more annoyed by the smell ruining my meal than anything else. I get that she genuinely believes she’s helping or doing the right thing, but it’s honestly just gotten too much. The whole “blessing the house” thing felt so cultish, and I can’t help but feel like I’m being treated like some sort of project she has to fix. It’s just exhausting at this point.
I don’t know how much longer I can take this religious pressure. I didn’t ask for this, and I’m just so done with all the weird rituals and forced prayers. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear she was trying to put me through some weird religious conversion or something.
Thanks, mom, for ruining my meal and making me feel like I can’t just live my life without this weird religious stuff constantly being shoved in my face. Honestly, I’m just so over it. And now I'm starting to think she knows I'm an atheist