Should I stop being friends with my Christian friend

Should I Stop Being Friends with My Christian Friend?

I’m wondering if I should burn bridges with my Christian friend. I love him platonically, and he’s my best friend. I didn’t even know he was Christian until I asked, because he swears and makes jokes that most Christians would hate. He also has atheist friends, but I still see two red flags:

1.He’s Christian – This alone is a problem for me because of how toxic Christianity can be.

2.He’s homophobic – He literally said to me out of nowhere, “I hate gay people,” which really disturbed me.

At the same time, he’s always been there for me when I’m down. He’s never told me to “just pray” but has actually tried to help me in meaningful ways.

I’m torn between valuing the support he’s given me and feeling uncomfortable with his beliefs. Should I confront him about this or just cut ties? I'm scared to try to change him because it might ruin our friendship