Converting formula to text, separating content of one cell by spaces, use IFS function.

Sorry for the long post title, but I had to.

The assignment is in Czech, so I'll try to translate it as well as I can, but if you don't understand, feel free to ask!

Here it is, I'll try to explain it

1)"Jméno jako text"-converting formula to text.

In the "Velká písmena" column, the formula is =PROPER(B10). The assignment for D column is for the upper bar to not say this formula, but Brousek Jan. I have no idea how to do it-I've tried things on the internet, but nothing worked and it usually throws me an error.

2)Samostatné jméno

Here I'm supposed to separate name from surname-here it is surname and then name. In the solved one, there is function TEXTSPLIT, but it doesn't work for me-and in the solved one, there is xlfn before the formula, which is something I've never seen so far, but I guess it some kind of error.


This is to divide people by their sex-surprisingly, I have an idea how to do it. Female surnames in Czech very often end with "ová" at the end of the word-here it is Pavlína Sovová. So I think it would use IFS, and in case of the word ending ová, it is female, otherwise, a male. But how do I do it?

Thanks in advance for all advice!