Are NTs always so suspicious of hidden motives?
My family and I were at our cabin, since I had come up a day late since I had to work, I had my own car up there as well.
The day comes where we're all leaving and I kinda just want to get out of there and get home (it's like a 4 hour drive), and my folks (mostly my dad) thinks I have this odd secondary agenda to wanting to leave earlier than they were.
I don't really get it? Like...maybe I just don't want to futz around on the road and make the trip take even longer? It's not even like it's the last time we'll be up there this summer either. It's not the only time I've experienced this, but it feels like NTs always assume there's some kind of hidden meaning or agenda to an action or some trickery involved when there basically never is? I really don't understand it.