England->Angevin run, WAIT to form Angevin til after Scotland+France Acts of Union?
Doing an Angevin One Faith run, and just realized that if you take the Angevin mission tree, you seem to LOSE the "Acts of Union" decision/parliament issue options for Scotland and France, is that right or am I misunderstanding that?
If so, wouldn't it be best to wait til after you pass the Acts of Union laws, before forming Angevin?
Unfortunately, that means you'd have to (a) wait til admin tech 10, and (b) as far as I can tell, the France subjugation CB (if you DON'T cede Maine, which I didn't) is locked behind the angevin choice mission, so you'd have to vassalize France (not PU) by breaking them up in multiple wars first
I feel like I'm missing something, that doesn't sound right? Am I playing Angevin wrong? Thanks for any advice!