ECM Casa V vs La Pavoni Cellini Mini, honest reviews? [AUD $1300-$1800]

After many years, my Delonghi Dedica is finally on it's way out and I've decided to upgrade to a more reliable machine. It's served me well considering it was $300 about 5 years ago.

After much research, I think I like the reviews, look and size of both the ECM Casa V and the La Pavoni Cellini Mini, but I'm having a hard time deciding which one. I like that the Cellini has an E61 group head and from the little reviews I've read it makes cafe quality equivalent coffee and has been revered for being a magnificent machine for it's price range. However, the Casa V has thousands more reviews online and most of them, fantastic. The biggest difference I suppose, as neither has PID, is the button vs lever mechanism. Is there an advantage to one over the other? I've been told lever machines take longer to heat up? I can't find much information on the cellini so I'm reaching out if anyone can help me here.

The biggest thing holding me back here is the difference is price, being about $500. Do I really need to spend the extra on the Cellini for a home set up? I mean, will I really notice the difference in the taste? If I make say, 4 coffees at once for guests, is one going to be faster than the other? Outside of performance, is one going to last me significantly longer? All things to consider! Grateful for any advice or reviews from this lovely community.