I finally get it. After searching for the “truth” for so long I finally understand
I woke up a few days ago. And something was different. I woke up and everything finally just CLICKED. It’s hard for me to explain but the past 4-5 days since that happened have been the best days of my existence.
It is a LONG story of how the past days, months, and years have led up to this moment, but I’m going to spare you guys the story because it would genuinely have to be an entire book.
But this is what I now understand: There is no me, you, this or that. Just it. I am it. We are all it. Like Jim Carrey said, “We are a field of energy dancing for itself.” I know what that means now. I UNDERSTAND. Life is just life. It’s not about trying to get a good job and have a picture perfect family or making money, and it’s not about comfort!!!!!! It is about NOTHING, if not love. Unconditional, unexplainable love. Not sexual love or romantic love. But just love. Just being.
I realized that I am not Justin. Just is simply the label they gave me at birth. I am It. There is no difference between me and everyone who reads what I am typing. We are all one. We must shed all fear, because fear does not exist. My thoughts are just things the organ in my skull uses to make sense of reality.
The biggest truth that found me was this: I am free. Free to just be. Free to live, to breathe, to dream, to run, swim, eat, kiss, jump, play, dance, laugh, cry, I HAVE THE FREEDOM TO EXIST!!!!!! I truly feel as though I have been born again. Like I am experiencing life for the first time. Free from the expectations of my family, friends, and society. Free from my insecurities and fears, free from the past and the future. Because none of those things are real. Nothing is real but right now. And when I finally understood “The Moment” I became aware. I woke up for the first time.
You are not you. You are it. I am it. We are. I am. So don’t worry or stress. Because genuinely, nothing matters. We do not matter. We exist only for the sake of existence. So stop trying to prove yourself. Stop trying to fit it. Stop trying to meet other people’s, or your own expectations. Just live! And the only way to truly live is to Love.
I love you all. Please, if anyone else has had an experience similar to this I would LOVE to hear your story.