Cylindrical Wimshurst Machine
I made this a few months ago and figured I make a post on it. I made a cylindrical variation of the wimshurst machine, almost completely 3d printed. Instead of metal segments on a disk, I decided to use sections of wire, since wire already has insulation. It then eliminates the issue of the disks getting pulled together from the electro static forces, reducing the overall voltage output. Based on my max spark gap, it produces about 54kv. I made some HV capacitors from some preworkout containers, but I had to polarize them since my polarity kept flipping every now and then. Now I have a consistent positive and negative. Anyway just figured I’d contribute to the Static community 🤷♂️
I made this a few months ago and figured I make a post on it. I made a cylindrical variation of the wimshurst machine, almost completely 3d printed. Instead of metal segments on a disk, I decided to use sections of wire, since wire already has insulation. It then eliminates the issue of the disks getting pulled together from the electro static forces, reducing the overall voltage output. Based on my max spark gap, it produces about 54kv. I made some HV capacitors from some preworkout containers, but I had to polarize them since my polarity kept flipping every now and then. Now I have a consistent positive and negative. Anyway just figured I’d contribute to the Static community 🤷♂️