UNpopular Opinion / Free Business Idea: Find a way to offer EV charging stations that accept cash, just like a vending machine. Adoption won't increase if you can't keep the same gas station experience.

It's simple.

Vending machines can do it.
Car wash machines can do it.
Ticket machines can do it.
Parking lot machines can do it.
Toll booths can do it.

Take the same slot technology and figure out how to get it on an EV charger - to where it doesn't need to care who you are to just get a quick juice.

Partner that with the code technology that carwashing uses, so the gas station guy can just issue a code to activate charge for prepay.

Put at least one of them out there, away from the gas stations. Put one at rest stops right next to an ATM.

"but then you have to collect the money!" Yes. And enjoy the free exercise at the same time.

"But you could get ROBBED!" Yes. Just like someone could jack your wallet and drain your bank account by buying garbage at whatever store and selling it on eBay.

Society should be embracing plug-in hybrids, NOT full EV, because of range anxiety. You solve that problem by simplifying access to the chargers - which should help get more of them out there - which should in theory allay those concerns.