The Ultimate Goal Of The MAGA Group Is The Creation Of A White Volksstaat !

The MAGAs are deeply convinced that, that is the only way the white race could survive.

That is the DRIVING MOTIVE of the MAGAs.

Historically, the nazis wanted also to create a volksstaat, but only for germanic people, the KKK wanted also to create a volksstaat, the boers in South Africa wanted also to create a volksstaat.

Due to encounters with non-European peoples, whites have now expanded the definition of what is "a volk", it now means European descent people or whites, and includes the Irish, the Spaniards, the Italians, the Balkans, the Slavs and the Russians.

All the above mentioned European descent people now sympathize with the driving motive of the MAGAs, namely to create a white volksstaat, which could be a contiguous area from North America over Europe to Russia.

Of course, we all understand that, this idea could lead to the disintegration of diverse countries like USA and Russia.

Now, the point is, the MAGAs don't want people to know this at this point in time.

They are attempting to deceive non-whites as to their ultimate goal.

Well, the whites can have as many "volksstaat" as they desire, but not at the expense of non-whites. Blacks would surely feel not any better in such a "volksstaat" than jews felt in nazi Germany. The ideology and values of such a volksstaat are surely not compatible with those of USA today; no minority rights, no affirmative action, no anti-discrimination law, no multiculturalism, no Afrocentrism, etc.

So, the MAGAs attempt to achieve their goal by working secretly. For example, they try to appear inclusive, but are they really ? They also try to hide their nazism ideology by appearing pro-jewish, are they really ? In the social media, when people express concern about Trump's policies and war threats, they assure people not to worry, they say it is harmless, it is just show or distraction. That appears to be an organized deception operation.

Given that, non-whites, such as blacks, would be better advised to opt for separation. Blacks, for example, don't need whites, who are now impoverished and are not as influential, powerful and industrialized as in former times. Blacks could do better in some kind of relationship with the Caribbean region and Africa, with some two billion consumers.