How do we eat the rich?

Seriously, how do we do it. What can we do this late in the game to "subsidize" the rich and put the money back into the pockets of the people?

I don't believe in unnecessary violence and I would never call for violence but we are in such a huge hole financially (and spiritually, if you believe in that). Anyone who doesn't have their head in the sand, or is themselves very well off, can see it. The newer generations can barely afford to eat and sleep, let alone buy a house or a reliable car. Many can't even afford their basic needs.

The poor get poorer as the rich get much, much richer. It is quite literally inhumane the level of disparity between the richest of the rich and the poorest of the poor. Check out this infographic that puts things into perspective.. it's not pretty.

Staggering no? See why I said inhumane now? They could right the ship literally at any point they wanted but instead continue to hoard obscene amounts of wealth they will never ever actually need, while the poor barely survive.

How can human beings be so inhuman?? I have no answers, but perhaps that's a topic for another time.. but that brings me to my main point:

Let's not bicker between ourselves anymore, please, all of these left and right issues are meant to distract us from the silent war that's been waged against us for some time now: the war from top to bottom. Let's focus that anger into something productive. I think this is a decent start: essentially "love thy neighbor". All of our various class divides are inconsequential when compared to our true enemy. These class divides with all their labels are perpetuated by the media for a reason! It's to keep us distracted, to keep us bickering amongst ourselves, to purchase their products, to watch this or that show, to use the last of our dwindling resources. Let's stop letting them distract us. Let's love our neighbors and band together! It won't solve all our issues, not even close, at least it'd be a start.

.. but what comes next after that? There are so many more of us than there are of them, how do we truly band together and make some sort of change, preferably, without violence? Or is violence inevitable at this point?