Wenis Anonymous
Hi. My name is [name redacted] and I’m a wenis-haulic.
It didn’t start out that way. Just a little laughter about that one episode. But then… I couldn’t stop. In my head, all the time, begging me for one more watch like a sadistic balloon popping clown. I tried everything. Naming birds, giant bingo cards, even learning to make a sea-gull sound. I even kicked a camera one time. That only made it worse.
I was clean and sober for a long time.
And then YouTube. There was a short that auto-played. And I was back in the hole again. The wenis hole. The more i fought it, the more it mocked me. And called me back.
So I wrote this post, from a bleary eyed stupor, because sleep and normal life have been impossible.
I thought I was a genius because I knew it in advance. Now, it’s just there. Repeating.
My name is [name redacted] and I’m a wenis-haulic.