just finished reading the ‘big 5’

what’s next?

i just finished reading the idiot the other day, and as usual, feel empty and hollow (in the best possible way). i started my dosto-journey with C&P, then TBK, Notes, Demons (so good), and finally the Idiot, which, wow. . .that’s gonna take me some time to digest. such a deeply profound and insightful novel. i fell in love with these characters and i feel like i know them in real life 🥲. anyhow, to my question for the great dosto-sages: what do you say my next dostoevsky book should be?

or, alternatively, what books in the same vein by different authors (that have that dostoevsky feel) should i read. i’ve heard kafka and camus are pretty good in that regard? what do y’all think?

as usual, i love you all ❤️