Guess the doors entity!
Rules: No april fool entities, no theorized entity (Like seek grumble), Seek variants do not count as separate entities, and it may be a removed entity. I've tried my best to make the hints match the entity I want exclusively, if I've failed that's an automatic win for y'all
1- This entity shares traits with timothy and seek (trait as in appearance or behavior)
2- The player can survive multiple attacks from the entity
3- This entity shares 1 trait with the firedamp room hazard
4- This entity can kill the player, it deals lethal damage
The entity is:Void! (Answer by u/QuizKitty25)
1- It's black like timothy and seek
2- it deals 20-40 damage
3- it looks like smog/smoke when crucified, like the firedamp is basically an orange smoke room
4- can kill the player