Disc with similar flight characteristics to a Pig

I'm sure this has been asked before, but can't find exactly what I'm looking for on the sub. What discs fly very similarly to an R-pro pig as approach discs? Ideally, looking for something that flies just like the pig but in premium plastic so I don't have to replace it every 6-8 weeks. Specifically, I like the low speed, low glide, and perfect stability level of it. I do not care one way or the other for the thumbtrac. For reference, ~940 rated advanced player, been around disc golf for years.

Zone/Toro: too fast. They don't power down as well, the fade becomes too harsh when not thrown fairly hard.

Socki Slammer/harp: Meh. I've only used one (Socki slammer) in base plastic when it first came out and didn't love it. the rim width on these is just too thin, I like the thickness that comes with the Pig rim.

Rhyno: I do love the rhyno, but not stable enough for what I'm looking for.

Ringer GT: Have tried a non-GT ringer, and it's not stable enough. If a GT ringer is more stable than the non GT ones, this may be worth checking out.

Open to any suggestions, thanks in advance!