Yodeck - After some testing
So I have made a couple of posts in this group and wanted to talk a little bit about my experiences setting up Yodeck in a 1 screen test scenario. It has been quite an adventure and one that still isn't really hitting on all cylinders, if you know what I mean. Some of the problems are of our own making, some with the product.
The one I have documented is how the preview works with layouts and such. The popup window uses wss protocol (as opposed to https) and that is something our company network people are not comfortable with. They have created a super narrow exception for testing, but I can hear them grumbling from thousands of miles away. I understand the issues and understand that this is going to be an issue that is common on my of these products.
There are biggest issues. The Android app is one of them. the APK install was a disaster, literally bricking an android smart screen. I stopped going down that road real quick after that. The screen worked for a while, now it is a turn on, resets, and dies. There is no saving it without ripping it open for a potential reset or battery out time. Not happy with this outcome.
So I went to android stick instead. Reputable brand, Android 11 or 13... app store and all - a fair bit of memory as well. Installed the Yodeck app without a problem, but some issues do exist. One of them appears to be that after a certain amount of time (random, can't figure the pattern) the device finally resets and the TV shuts down (no more signal on HMDI, it wisely turns itself off. From what I can see so far, it looks like there may be a memory leak of some sort that slowly fills the available memory and finally blows it up. The only other choice I can see at this point is overheating (processor) but that would mean that the thing is running like a mad thing just to show off a slideshow. I have a security camera in the area and nobody is turning off the screen or anything like that. My next step is going to be forcing a device reboot on schedule a couple of times a day to see if that keeps it happy.
I have found and determined that the message scroller app has an issue where if the content of the RSS feed is over a certain size, it will seem to fail. I haven't diag'ed this too hard, just gave up using it. It appears to be a memory related issue as well, like it never frees up previously used memory.
Other issues are related to the apps for things like sharepoint, PowerBI, and others. The connection process seems to want me to give passwords to third parties, and all of them seem to want a whole lot of access rights that seem a little beyond what is really needed. I should be able to connect a public available URL without having to give a pint of blood to do it. Sharepoint in particular allows for access from third parties, yet the app here certainly does not seem to be inclined to do so.
I could go on, as I have had to make a fair sized report out of this for the company. I am just wondering in all of this is anyone else seeing these sorts of problems?