Best patch yet? Question/Review/opinion

I haven’t been keeping up with everyone’s opinion of the season but just wanted to get a pulse check. I’m having an awesome time with no real gripes at this point.

I feel like I am playing a totally different game. - Head hunts make whispers fun and fast. - NM dungeons encourage full clearing now. - better split of loot farming. Ie NM for Mastercrafting, Pit for Paragon or Totment Level, bosses for uniques - Bosses are more forgiving with one shots. - So much is skipable or streamlined - World bosses don’t die in 1 second.

I guess the only negatives I have is that headhunts overshadow helltides and no WASD.

So are you all enjoying this season too or is there something that is causing issues for other classes, builds or further in the end game?

I’m playing an S tier build so I am wondering maybe since I’m near unkillable it’s warping my perspective of the game.

Context: I’m playing cataclysm druid and didn’t play last season but played S4. Have around 170 paragon points pit level 50 Tormented 3 about to push for 4. Bought the expansion this season.