Suing Dexcom For Hospitalization & Potential Death

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had any advice or steps on how to sue Dexcom? I have been using the G7 for at least a year now and was hospitalized last month with DKA. My G7 was reading in the 180s and at the hospital, the hospital fingerstick read well over 500. I originally thought I had a stomach virus as my only symptom was vomiting and I was only in DKA once when I was first diagnosed. I was wondering how exactly I would sue Dexcom as I was in the hospital for three days (they tried to keep me longer and I refused as I hate them) and am traumatized by it, as now I don’t even trust them considering there was a 300+ point difference. Furthermore, I had two more defective sensors in the batch that had 200+ point differences and the attending doctor said that this wasn’t the first time a patient came in with a Dexcom that was off by hundreds of points resulting in DKA. I’m looking for any advice as I have never taken legal action, but this easily warrants it imo. Also for the replacement sensor they asked a million questions like hospital stayed at, other medications taken at the time, etc so they also seem to know it is very serious and must break FDA regulations. I’m also curious if anyone else has had this happen to them.