A letter to Narayan Murthy and such long hour supporter CEO
Dear long hour supporter,
I think you are wrong about 70 working hours. Here is my 2 cents
I think quality of work matters rather than quantity of work. Quality comes with free mind not overburdening with extra work.
Quality matters more than quantity. Because working 12 hours a day is BS. It's not a menial task that what we are doing. It's proper mental task. Even IAS aspirants can study 6-8 hours with quality output. Here we are talking about deadlines, quality of work, home pressure and all.
France has a better employee policy. With people working 8 hours sharp. Their work output is better than India.
Working irrelevant and mindlessly only leads to more task rather than result driven task.
If you really want to bring a change - urge people to work 8 hours with quality time. Stop them to take chai-sutta breaks and long lunch breaks..prepare them for result driven work on less time.
Invest in R&D and better IT managing projects. Create better certification. We are still using scrum and whatnot methodology which is not enough for the changing demand. Create better. Make betteer.
Create better support system.which can help freshers to get on their wheels. Pay them better. A fresher in Every country requires support. I have worked in this industry quiet a lot time to see freshers of every country. they are all same.
If you want to make India - an IT powerhouse - empower employee, give them freedom, give them time to think - rather than making them slave
I know it's risky. It requires investment but considering how you gave 240 crores to your nephew. Even 60-90 crores from that would have done this job.
Believe in your employee. Because of them you were able to give 250 crore to your nephew. Be grounded. Indian culture teaches us that every time..