I played the new exotic mission last night
It took me a couple hours, and I died 24 times. I didn’t look up anything about it and figured it out on my own. I am incredibly happy and proud of myself, as well as thrilled with the mission and rewards.
Thank you, Bungie, for this mission.
I don’t have the best record of being able to accomplish the higher level things in Destiny without some help from kind guardians and friends, including most exotic missions, especially when they’re new. But I did this one. I just wanted to share how happy I am with it, and how grateful I am to Bungie for this exotic mission.
Update: I didn’t expect this much response to my post and it has made me so happy to see our guardian community discussing the experience of a new mission together. And thank you for the awards! I don’t think I’ve ever gotten one before. No matter where Destiny goes from here (since we’re unsure), it’s been an absolute joy being able to play this game [series] with you.