Pulling Roth to pay CC debt
30 years old. 30k in CC debt, i make 68k a year as a salaried employee and am except from overtime. 750$ car payment, 1800$ rent, 900$ month in minimum payments, 300$ month car insurance, and nothing in savings. I display have 500$ left for the month for gas, groceries, and other bills. All CC have about 28-30% interest and are maxed out. Fell on hard times, made stupid choices. I work 12 hours a day usually 6am-6pm would be hard to find time for a second job. Thinking about pulling 10k in contributions from Roth to knock out a good chunk of the CC debt 16k total in Roth. This would free up almost 500$ in monthly payments to the CC then will close the accounts once paid. I learned my lesson I’m not a CC person. I have a pension with my job and 100% intend to go back and contributing to the Roth once I paid all these damn cards. I have not been contributing to the Roth in almost 2 years since the debt. I have a pension with work so the Roth is not my only source in retirement. Main reason for this is I am thinking of switching careers in the next 6-12 months and know 100% I will not get hired with all this debt. It is a disqualifier. So I need/want to get it down asap. My car will be paid in 18months and is 1.9%interest.
What do yall think? Will I pay taxes for pulling the contributions from my Roth? Account is 4 years old give or take. And I dumb for doing it? Is it the best solution for bringing down the debt?