Lucky star gives you free 30 second aura read on all your team, tells you where the nearest gen is AND makes your pain grunts and blood pools go away. How come nobody uses it?

Started using this today and holy hell it blows bond and empathy out of the water for keeping tabs on your team, if it was just that it would be great, but if you get in and out of a locker at the start of the match you get that map wide with no range limit plus instantly know where the closest gen is

It’s incredibly good when you are injured because you are totally silent in the locker and for the 30 seconds for when you come out you leave no pools of blood either so you can get to a safer spot and heal up

Any time you wonder what your team is up to or are not sure where the gen is just hop in and out of a locker and bam, all free info for 30 seconds

I’m running it with

  • detectives hunch to find totems
  • inner strength to cleanse those totems and get in a locker for 8 seconds to heal later
  • head on for safety and a bit of offence

And it’s a wonderful repair, info, altruism and self healing build

Started using this today and holy hell it blows bond and empathy out of the water for keeping tabs on your team, if it was just that it would be great, but if you get in and out of a locker at the start of the match you get that map wide with no range limit plus instantly know where the closest gen is

It’s incredibly good when you are injured because you are totally silent in the locker and for the 30 seconds for when you come out you leave no pools of blood either so you can get to a safer spot and heal up

Any time you wonder what your team is up to or are not sure where the gen is just hop in and out of a locker and bam, all free info for 30 seconds

I’m running it with

  • detectives hunch to find totems
  • inner strength to cleanse those totems and get in a locker for 8 seconds to heal later
  • head on for safety and a bit of offence

And it’s a wonderful repair, info, altruism and self healing build