Dating someone that is just “alright”

Been dating for 3 years and haven’t met anyone I can remotely settle down with. Almost every guy I’ve dated either ghosted, cheated or was emotionally unavailable.

Finally met someone (M - 30. I’m F -34) and we’ve been dating for 4 weeks. This man (let’s call him A) is an incredible guy. He’s emotionally available, kind, engaging, he texts back lol, he likes me and has shared interest. I like him too even though I feel like we don’t have much of an emotional connection but he’s really interested. Being with A feels “alright” sex is alright, talking on the phone is alright. When we hang out is just alright. Theres no fuzzy feeling or this buzz when we are together but he treats me so right. I treat him right too. Im just as engaged and showing interest. Men that I’ve dated in the past have given me that “buzz” but they all treated me like crap. Should I stick around and hope that the emotional connection and romantic feelings come? Anyone been through this?