Need advice. Is he into me?
Hey guys,
So I’m a 25F working as an intern at a business firm and my senior (26M) has been giving me some hints that make me think he’s into me. We’re working on the same team project and I spend half of the day with him. When he’s around me, he opens every single door for me. Does things like presses the elevator button, holds the door and lets me go in first. And whenever he lets me go in first, he follows behind me and touches the small of my back at random times. One day he sat down and had breakfast with me in the cafe. At random times I see him looking at me and we lock eyes, smile and then continue our meetings. He even spends time teaching me things about the company and the project we’re working on. Problem is he doesn’t give this same energy via text. I tried texting him things like have a good weekend and he doesn’t reply. I am now moving to a different firm and today was my last day. I texted him to say thank you and that I learned a lot through our project and he basically sent me a message that was like “you did great. Good luck with everything you do.” I even said “hope to see you. Stay in touch” but even that he didn’t respond to. I’m just confused as to whether he likes me or not. Is he just that polite and gentlemanly? don’t have much experience with guys so I dont know if I misread everything or if he’s shy and I should make it more clear that I’m into him. And if so, then how? I’m afraid of rejection and making myself seem like a fool especially if this guy isnt even into me. Any advice appreciated. Tyia