I feel like im not physically attractive enough to women to have them interested in getting to know me beyond a simple 2 minute interaction when I approach them. Any advice?

I do my best to present myself in what I think makes me look really good, on a good day I'd say Im an 8/10 in terms of looks, on a bad day a 6/10. I have an athletic build since Im at the gym a lot and I'm 6'2 and black. I have a pretty good sense of style when it comes to fashion I know what I look good in and what I dont.

Regardless of this when I see a woman Im interested in I approach her and introduce myself, and I get to know her, I talk about things that we have in common, for example a girl I talked to at gamestop who was looking at Destiny, we talked about the game, and I enjoyed the conversation with her, or when I was at the library and saw this girl browsing the sci fi section.

The thing is, I always try to be myself during these interactions and I am able to get them to laugh and I hope enjoy the conversation but whenever I ask for their number I always get rejected. This has gone on for a year without success. I

I know I shouldnt expect girls to give me anything just because they enjoyed an interaction, and I do my best not to let these things get me down. but it really gets frustrating when I see other guys have more success with girls in 2 weeks than I do in an entire year. I've read from advice on other posts by women saying that its a lack of chemistry and that its fine because you arent supposed to have chemistry with everyone, but like, if thats the case, why are there other guys who can get multiple girls numbers as easy as it is to slice butter.

Some things that I've tried to improve my chances of getting a date is, giving a girl my number instead of hers. Not expecting anything of the interactions that I have and being outcome independent (for about a year, this post is now my breaking point). Asking more about the girl and focusing on getting to know her past her looks(I've started loving this more because before I used to be really shallow and nervous about girls because they were really attractive to me and I used to put them on a pedestal, but after getting to know some of them, I realize that some of the entitled ones that I met were really not worth the time.)

I think I have a pretty good personality and figured out recently that what I love most about my character (a woman friend of mine told me what she liked about me the most because we were talking about the self esteem we have in each other and she told me this out of the blue and it made me really happy and I sort of started liking my personality more because of it) is my patience, apparently Im not short tempered like most freshmen in college and my patience for others is comforting because i dont put pressure on people when getting to know them, doing something with them, or helping them.

I get a little bit envious at times (Im trying to work on it) when I see women friends of mine who fawn over other guys because of their physical apperance who they havent gotten a chance to know, its like they see them, and BAM, the ladies are simping for them, usually its white guys with some really sharp jawlines (I state race because I have an insecurity that im not attractive to people because im black, I got bullied a lot because of my skin colour in highschool). I get mad at myself when I think like this because I know its bad that Im getting jealous over guys who women think are more attractive physically than me.

Anyway, I just wanted some advice, I just had a panic attack while thinking about this earlier and wanted to get it off my chest.