Soon to graduate with a MEng. in Software Engineering, how should I prepare for the job hunt?
Hey all! If everything goes well I should receive my Master's this June. However, I'm still very unsure about how I should approach the interview grind afterwards. I don't have any internships under my belt (weren't part of my programme) nor do I have a LinkedIn or any projects on github. Studying and getting good grades has been difficult enough as is so I haven't managed to focus on any of that yet, but coming semester should be a little more laid back. I'm an ambitious person though and I'd really love to make it into MAANG - if not for my first job, then at least build a path towards it.
So, what should be next on my checklist? Do people actually care to look at your github, and if so what kind of projects should I aim for? Is the LeetCode grind a good idea?
Do people care much for internships? Am I screwed by my programme not including one? Would it still be possible to get one after graduating potentially? Are there certain certifications that would make my CV look more attractive?
If I make a LinkedIn, what should I even post there? It's not like I have any professional experience yet. Honestly, I feel a little lost when it comes to... everything really, since I don't have anything to prove my experience besides a piece of paper with my name on it.
Will my Master's matter much if I'm not specifically looking for ML positions? It is from a good university (top 50 worldwide) but from what other people say it doesn't seem to matter as much as I thought it did.
Any advice for a lost soon-to-be new grad?