Game is infested, plagued with cheaters
From 0 day accounts to 18 y old stolen accounts, cheating with wh is rampant. Closet hacking in parties to boost others that play “legit”. It’s disgraceful the amount of effort this company has put in to combat cheaters.
You call them out, they reply “learn to play, stop peeking, learn angles” then in replays you see their “sixth sense” turning around each time you change position, always peaking with crouching to take you out or keeping their smokes or flashes all the time for the “right” moment. When you do these kind of things all rounds, and you are delusional enough to think others don’t realise how obvious it is, it is purely time wasting for those who click and aim the mouse by themselves.
If you cannot detect them then at least pay wall them by subscription leagues on grade levels.
A+++ tier get to pay 20€/month with region lock and VAC by community. A++ tier 10€/month you get VAC reviewed by community A+ tier free (standard Premier).
Easy as that, if you cannot improve your cheat detection code. I don’t care about 6month ban wave, that ain’t giving me the time wasted on cheaters.