I love Ruhn but he was driving me insane. SPOILERS!
Go away if you haven’t finished HOFAS.
I should start this off by saying I love Ruhn and Lidia, but am I the only one who felt like Ruhn was acting so out of character for this entire book?? Like I was so tired of his BS of ignoring Lidia. Especially after she confronted him about him only willing to forgive her since she’s a mom. Like he went days without talking to her after that interaction??? Like come on dude, apologize, communicate, do something!! He was so passive throughout the entirety of this story and it was the worst kind of slow burn I’ve ever read. It just didn’t feel like the Ruhn who was in HOEAB and HOSAB.
And don’t even get me started on how he finally accepted the mating bond. what was that?? and at that timing, really??? It was so inadequate and cringey. There were so many opportunities for SJM to create the mating bond, but no it had to be in a high stakes moment with Pollux of all people. And he didn’t even say it to her! He said it to Pollux! Devastating.