How it felt to come back to C++ from Rust.

  1. Lifetimes and Borrow Checker are just too good to be true. This probably goes without saying, and is the best reason to choose Rust.
  2. The localisation of undefined behaviour with unsafe blocks and the separation of responsibilities makes the code very transparent. Even if there is a lot of unsafe code, not all of it is unsafe, so it is worth using Rust for that reason alone. Insecurity does not make the Lifetimes or Borrow Checker any less relevant.
  3. I feel that Rust (or maybe any language that has an easy-to-use package manager) has a rather large number of small libraries. Of course, C++ has a much better standard library than Rust, and even more if you include Boost Libraries, etc.
  4. After 5 years of Rust, I almost forgot how powerful C++ can be. C++20 had some surprises, so I built a tiny library to test the waters.It's a tiny C++ 20 library that provides a UDLs to make indent-adjusted multiline raw string literals at compile time. Check it out:
  5. One of the main differences between the two is that with Cargo it takes a few minutes to create a new project, whereas with CMake it can take several hours.
  6. C++ templates and Rust generics both offer powerful ways to write generic code. C++ templates, with their variadic templates and non-type template parameters, offer greater flexibility for advanced metaprogramming. Rust's generics, though less expressive in some ways, are generally considered safer and more intuitive.
  7. I use OpenCascadeTechnology to develop things like 3DCAD plugins, but libraries like 3D kernel are naturally not available in Rust, which is a good thing with C++'s long history (It's why I came back to C++).