Question for my light haulers; how strict are the covid precautions that you're taking in 2025?
And how long do you plan to keep taking these precautions?
I'm asking because I feel like it's rare for me to see people talking about how miserable living under permanent precautions can be in places like this subreddit. Don't crucify me; I'm aware that many people on here are suffering in ways that are orders of magnitude worse than someone who is relatively healthy and has to wear a mask. That's why I wanted to direct the question toward "light haulers," i.e. folks who still able to work, go grocery shopping, etc while dealing with long covid. I understand that someone who is bedbound is not too worried about not being able to go to brunch.
I see a lot of people in spaces like this who seem to be totally unbothered by having to wear a mask and forgo traditional socialization like attending a wedding, and that's great for them. It's just something I've been struggling with a lot as year after year goes by and I continue to be the only person I know living this heavily restrictive lifestyle. To be clear, I'm not just worried that other people will ridicule me or judge me for wearing a mask, though that's obviously not fun. I genuinely hate masking because I miss just being relaxed around other humans, having a drink at the bar, going in and out of stores without constantly worrying about airborne disability. And please nobody start with the "eventually everyone eating in restaurants will get long covid and start masking again" crap.
Seriously, how are you folks who are in a similar position to me doing?