Does this sound like long covid? Need answers!

Hey guys. Hope you’re all okay :) (M19, got sick at 18) So, this is a simple version of my story. Back in March, I got a mystery virus which we initially thought was glandular fever but after getting blood tests in June I apparently never had it. (I still believe that’s what it was due to how I got it and symptoms) but anyway. I was VERY ill for about a month. All your typical symptoms of a viral infection.

After the illness, I experienced pretty bad fatigue, head tension, swollen nodes and heart palpitations. This first stage of it went on for about 1-2 months and I was unable to leave the house. (Not physically unable to, just didn’t have the energy and felt to unwell)

I finished college for summer in June, so I was able to spend the whole summer going to the gym and resting. Since then I’ve built back all my muscle (and more!) and I’m back to working my part time job, driving my car and I’m on my final year of college.

So, the main part. Obviously I’ve made significant improvement from when I first had this post viral condition, however I’m not fully recovered and I still struggle. I no longer have heart palpitations (can’t pinpoint when they went I just suddenly noticed they’d stopped)

I still have swollen lymph nodes which stress me out a lot. In the 8 month timeline they seem to just have never shrank down and they’re still visible and feel able.

I also still have fatigue, not as bad but still enough to be frustrating and impacting my life. The last couple weeks have been worse than usual.

I also struggle with persistent low mood.

Another symptom I get is on my bad days I seem to not be able to tolerate the sun, like when I look outside the window everything seems really bright and it makes me feel sick almost.

So, all that aside, the thing that confuses me is that I get no PEM, I’m not breathless, no body aches and other typical long covid symptoms. So, from everything I have listed above, can anyone tell me if this is long covid? Or does it sound like something else? Does it sound like I’m recovering?

I was thoroughly checked over with bloods back in June and everything came back fine (typical). Reckon it’s worth getting checked up again? Thanks!