Rehome take-in

Hey everyone! So yesterday I took in 2 albino corys from a person who came into my work saying they just plainly didn’t want them anymore. I took them in because I feared they would’ve let them go in the wild. I have a 15 gallon tank that just finished cycling, it only has one nerite snail and I am planning to put a betta in it. However, after researching more about corydoras, they do best in schools of 6, maybe even a minimum of 4. I am definitely at fault for not doing more research before agreeing to take these fish from this person, but I really didn’t want them to let them go as that would likely kill them and disrupt the ecosystem. Now I feel as though I’m in a pickle. Theyre in a great tank, but I don’t think I can properly give them the “school” that they should have. Especially if I still plan on getting a betta. I already have grown to love these goobers, but should i consider rehoming them now? Or will they be okay with just the two of them? Maybe I can get a third? I just don’t want an overwhelming bioload in my tank, plus I know they get to be around 2 inches.