Tips for leash pulling/not following me?

Hey y'all! I have an amazing blue merle PWC named Juno who I absolutely adore...but leash training has gone so badly 😭 she pulls really hard and has a hard time following me. We often don't finish our walks because she doesn't want to go any farther and I don't wanna pull her. When she stops I say "come" and reward her when she follows...but I can't do that the whole walk, especially since I'm really trying to watch her weight.

I know you're suppose to stop and wait for them to stop pulling when they do that....but she never settles down? Like if I stood and waited for her to stop pulling it seems like I'd be waiting forever 😬

Any tips would be appreciated! I love my girl but she's at her most stubborn when she's on the leash and I wanna be able to take her on longer walks so she gets her exercise in. Thanks!!