I Am A Parking Lot Pooper
I actually do know how and why this started, but i'm not sure why it has continued. It has been about 10 years since the first time. And I have no intention of stopping. It's not an every day or even every month thing, but every now and again it is just something I do. It has become ritualistic and I will explain the first one.
The First Time: I was driving early morning to the gym. The gym is in a big parking lot with a few other retail stores next to it. That particular morning as I was driving , I broke out in a sweat and my stomach was rumbling bad. It was early, nothing was open, and I didn't know if I could make it to the gym bathrooms. By the time i pulled into the lot, it was almost as if that was a signal to my body that I made it, but that also meant that i had to shit immediately. The thought of scanning my card and interacting with someone at the front desk while then sprinting to the bathrooms wasn't something I could handle so i pulled my truck around to the back of the parking lot and left the doors open and squatted and dropped a massive shit in the parking lot and I used napkins to wipe. I immediately felt relief, but later that day I felt curious what other people's reactions were to seeing a massive human shit in the middle of a parking lot in a very nice town.... and this is what started my journey.
Since that day about 10 years ago, I have shit in maybe 30 different parking lots. Each time same process and have graduated to at times waiting around for it to be discovered to see reactions. I admit it does something for me but i'm not sure what exactly .
Anyways, this is a real life confession of a parking lot pooper.