I'm Yanick Paquette, 30+ years comic artist veteran, Dc, Marvel tons of comics. AMA

Hey everyone. I'm new to Reddit and I figure, why not start the ball rolling with a AMA over this weekend. I've been doing comics since the mid 90' (so old). I've drawn Wonder-Woman, Superman, Batman, Avengers, JLA, X-Men, Wolverine Weapon X, Terra Obscura, Seven Soldiers, Swamp Thing. I got lucky and worked with pretty cool writers including Alan Moore, Scott Snyder, Jason Aaron and, of course Grant Morrison. I'm currently slaving on a Creator Own project with Rick Remender for Image (unannounced yet, and I'll won't spill too much about it on this AMA, for now). You should also consider checking out my Substack YANICK'S ART NEWS, where I preview work Process, share drawing tips and free Comic MASTERCLASS, for Pro, aspiring artist and curious alike. https://yanickpaquette.substack.com/

Anyway , Hi 🖐️