I am attending a Community College online, but I live right across the street from a State College. Can I go there and visit with Professors/Tutors for occasional help, or would that be weird/rude?

Basically title. I'm planning to Transfer to this State College if it makes any difference.

After COVID I know that I do better in a physical classroom environment - so I'm worried about struggling Online and not having access to guidance.

My hope would be if I could walk over to State!Campus once or twice this Semester and utilise Tutoring or Office Hours for the equivalent Courses (maybe make relationships!), but I wouldn't want to burden them, take advantage, or appear unprofessional. The reason I'm posting is that I don't know if asking them this question would be unprofessional in and of itself; I wouldn't want to stick my foot in my mouth now, transfer, and run into these Professors again.

Has anyone heard/done such a thing? Would it be disallowed due to these services being State-Funded and so they can only be provided to actual Students?