[Update Day 45 | Bonerwarning.] Healed, but not pretty.
6 weeks and 3 days - back to normal. Started scar-care with silicon gel.
Wound hast completely closed, over-sensitivity is pretty much gone (unless I'm riding a bike or something).
Aesthetics aren't perfect (yet?) due to some swelling and a bit of bumpyness around the scar, but thats fine for me - I wanted a functioning dick, not a perfect one.
Hoping for the swelling (the very obvious one at the right/bottom side and the less obvious swelling top/left - thats where I had a serome and theres still some kind of a hard lump under the skin) to go down further and the skin to 'tighten' around the shaft a little bit. But frankly, I'm just happy that everything's working again. Lube is my new best friend and masturbation feels very different now, but certainly not in a bad way. Might even like it more now and kinda wish, I had done it a lot earlier.