A Circumcision Review: 3 months on

I came to reddit shortly after my surgery to help me understand some of the complications I may experience during recovery. What I discovered was a community of men, either pre or post circumcision, all with lots of questions and insight, and it proved so helpful to me.

So I thought that maybe it would be good for me to summarise my experience in a single post, to act maybe as a source of information for people in a similar situation to me.

So, three months on...

Age: 47

Location: United Kingdom

Cut: Low and loose

Surgery: Private via a works-based medical insurance policy

Reason: Medical - long time sufferer of phimosis and related conditions

Its only clear to me in hindsight, that I walked in to this surgical event with almost no knowledge of the procedure, process or choices. My pre-surgery consultations were centred entirely around my condition, how that was affecting my life, and what 'corrective' options I had available to me. I had no idea that there were different types of cut, and even now don't know whether I actually did have a choice, but just wasn't presented with one, or whether in the UK it's low and loose only.

The surgery itself was uncomplicated and I was in and out in about half a day.

Due to some other medical issues, I was given an epidural which also meant a catheter, this would prove to be the most harrowing part of the whole experience, both on the day, and in the days that immediately followed and if you have options to avoid this experience, I encourage you to.

The first night I kept the bandages on, and all things considered, slept well...albeit on my back the whole night, and I woke the next day with a relative sense of optimism.

This was quickly eroded when I took my first look in the mirror, and I was horrified to see a version of me that I simply did not recognise. NOTE - the physical impact of the surgery is significant, and it will be swollen, bruised and unrecognisable - but it gets better

I spent the first 3 or 4 days wondering why there was so much skin still over my glands. I learnt via reddit that this was a characteristic of the low and loose cut, but I was still alarmed by just how much 'excess' there was, and at this stage resented that I hadn't been presented with a choice. I won't lie, for a few days I even considered drastic liposuction around my pubic area, thinking that would help.

Aesthetics aside, the worst part of the whole recovery was attempting to wear underwear and to go about my every day life. I spent over £200 on different brands, types and fabrics of underwear and even 3 or 4 weeks later still hadn't found anything that was remotely comfortable. It was an incredibly low time and I spent a lot of it full of regret.

I abstained from any kind of sexual activity until my 4 week check in with my surgeon who confirmed that my recovery was going well. At that stage I still had some stitches, but he assured me they would go, and they did. I know this is a common question - my advice, leave it to nature.

First attempt at anything sexual was masturbation with my wife. It was WEIRD. Not in a painful way, just in a 'this feels new' way, and as all of you will experience, the um....load, was significant. I actually found that slightly painful, but put that down to having just not done it in such a long time. Anyway, to say it will all work like it used to, just don't rush yourself.

And now. Here I am, and I'm pleased to say that it is without doubt the best decision I've ever made. Aesthetically I'm happy. I even think it makes it look bigger, and my wife definitely enjoys it. The sensitivity is down, but not gone, which I have grown to appreciate as that helps with sexual satisfaction. At the beginning I would have given anything for there to be no sensation there, but now I'm deeply relieved that there is.

So for me, I had a medical reason to do this, and I'm glad I did. I'm also glad I got low and loose as the skin doesn't overly overhang now its recovered and I like that there is a bit of 'give' during sexual activity. Would I want to go through this purely for improved aesthetics, absolutely not, and I wish I had no reason to even consider it. But what I (don't) have now is so much better than what I had before, and my life is all the better for it.

Final thoughts. Choose a cut wisely. Don't rush back in to sexual activity. Don't be alarmed when u first see it. And trust in the recovery process.

Good luck!