Why have children if you believe in climate change?

I’m a thirties millennial and very liberal and all of my friends are as well who range from 30-40. It’s that age range where women and men are starting to have children but I can’t for the life of me understand why they’d do this when they all say they believe in climate change.

I’m starting to wonder if they are closeted Trumpers/right-wing. My friends who are women express fear about women losing their rights in the U.S. and how scary our future looks not only as a planet but also with how costly it is just to survive nowadays but it hasn’t stopped them from becoming moms.

I don’t have a lot of sympathy for their fears when they are actively having children.

Edit: I apologize I didn’t phrase it right by saying “believe in climate change”. I wasn’t trying to offend anyone as it’s clear we’re on the same side.