Small or petty reasons you’re childfree?

Most of us have several main/big reasons we don’t want kids, but gimme those small or petty subreasons you don’t want kids.

Here are some of mine: - I’m obsessed with candles. Candles + kids = house burning down, so one needs to go, and I’m NOT sacrificing my candles

  • Elon Musk and his mom want everyone to reproduce to maximize their obscene wealth. I’m not even from the US but that alone made my belgian ovaries decompose.

  • My mom tried to gently announce my childfree stance to my dad by saying: “your daughter is considering whether she will choose to have children.” (Which is a lie, I’ve made my decision) and my dad’s first reaction was “what choice?”, like it’s not my choice to make. YIKES. He proceeded to go on a spiel about how it’s natural to have kids and women without kids are miserable. Safe to say my entire uterus died then and there. Another reason not to have kids: out of spite.

  • I refuse to spend my weekends watching kids movies.

  • Imagine trudging to your couch after an exhausting day of work and childcare, just to accidentally step on legos you missed during the cleanup….. I’d rather perish