What information should I gather before asking a doctor for a bisalp?
I am thinking about getting a bisalp next year, but because of my age (early 20s) I worry that I will face a lot of push back from doctors.
That being said, what information should I compile over the next few months to present to the doctor when/if I end up deciding to get a bisalp?
Because I live with chronic illnesses and have to spend an unfortunate amount of time with doctors, I have discovered that they take you more seriously when you come to them with concrete information rather than just feelings.
I am thinking of a few things like: - The percent probability of my illnesses being passed on to my children - The statistical evidence showing that parents without a support network (I don't have one) are much less successful - A list of symptoms that I have to try to manage daily - Some kind of chart showing how many useable hours I have a day over the course of a few months - a few other things that I think are important...
Do any of you have more suggestions? Is it even a good idea to try and show a doctor that kind of evidence to convince them that I have carefully considered my decision?
Thank you!