"Hysterectomy isn't birth control"
Fuuuuuck you.
Things I (27F, married) heard at my consult for a hysterectomy after being told by another doctor at the same clinic that i'm a good candidate.
Keep in mind that I'm on depo provera, have been on it all but a 2 year gap (to try nexplanon) since I was 13. Period symptoms when i'm not on depo: heavy bleeding, huge blood clots, severe cramps, severe back pain. Issues outside period: painful sex, cramping after sex, cannot have any pelvic exams or pap smears because i get wildly sick.
I have chronic pain, and deal with enough health bs.
"If removing your uterus was a simple way to fix things, everyone would do it when they're done having children"
"Have you checked your thyroid? I know you already have thyroid issues but that can cause period issues" yeah bitch, these have been issues SINCE I HIT PUBERTY BEFORE I HAD THYROID PROBLEMS
"You could have chlamydia or gonorrhea"
"You're putting everyone at a standstill because you won't do an exams or pap smears" what part of they make me massively sick and in pain do you not understand? I'm already in pain other places, fuck you.
"Are you on any medications for mood? Because for chronic pain we should try those because they help with nerve pain!" Wtf bitch I already told your stupid ass that I am literally in PAIN MANAGEMENT FOR MY CHRONIC PAIN, I'VE TRIED ALL THAT SHIT.
"You had imaging done 2 years ago and everything looked fine but there is nothing recent so something could have changed in those 2 years we would need to see" THE PROBLEMS I'VE HAD SINCE PUBERTY COULD HAVE CHANGED IN THE LAST TWO YEARS?! STFU
"Something could go wrong during surgery and could cause other pain"
"I'm not in charge of other OBGYN's so you can try someone else" yeah k bye.
I just want to be off depo, not have a period, and be able to enjoy sex.
I can get off depo, my husband is willing to get snipped, but that just results in worse than whatever the depo is wreaking havoc on. I'm sad and mad. I waited 2 months for this. I wasted my very limited time for THIS. I'm exhausted because my husband just had foot surgery so I have to do everything and wasted energy on this bullshit. Fuck you, lady.