Bobby Fischer - The killer within
Hi all,
I'll start with the bottom line:
Bobby Fischer is the greatest Chess Grandmaster ever lived.
The more I read and learn about Bobby the more I understand that Bobby was way and far away ahead of his time.
Bobby was a self-made natural born chess killer who was a Grandmaster during times when boys dreamed about Brigitte Bardot and girls dreamed about Alain Delon and vice versa.
From the moment Bobby woke up he had just one goal in mind: To be the World Champion no matter what.
As a cold blooded Chess Hitman he dropped his targets one by one, marching through tournaments as a one man army.
On his way to top of the world, he brought down the Russian empire to its knees ,single handedly, literally.
After that, the game in which he crushed the world with, eventually crushed him and his mental health until his death in 2008
People always say that we should measure a person according to the time period and that Bobby was the greatest for his time.
That's BS.
If bobby would have lived today he would leave Carlson, Nakamura and many more grasping for air as he marches to the top as an invincible Chess killing machine.
Personally I think that Bobby was the reincarnation of Paul Morphy, who Bobby admired., in an upgraded form.
He was and STILL IS the greatest Chess Grandmaster of all times.
Robert James „Bobby“ Fischer 09.03.1943 - 17.01.2008