CMV: Beating people up should be socially acceptable
I believe that if it was more socially acceptable to beat somebody up for being, say, a bigot, the world would be a better place. We have Nazis regularly marching the streets with no consequences, men calling every woman a whore or worse (seen people say C-sections are a sign of failing as a mother), people openly being racist, openly abusive, etc. The worst of the worst have gotten too bold, as they face zero consequences for their heinous actions. They hide behind the law or behind computer screens, feeling tough and prideful, when all they need is a beating they'll never forget.
People don't value the social contract and are constantly expecting its security all the while ignoring and breaking every social convention. Anyone who says shit like "your body my choice" or hammers on about "the great replacement" or whatever white genocide bullshit they're on about now, should have to eat through a straw for a few months.
This would obviously be aided tremendously by having publicly funded universal healthcare, as I'm not holding this view because I want permant physical pain on anyone (most of the time), but at least the psychological consequence of getting your ass kicked for being a piece of shit would stick a lot more if you didn't have to then worry about your medical bill. And the ass-kicker would be more open to kicking ass if they don't have to worry about breaking their hand and spending $10,000 at the hospital, to teach a punk a point.